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Pharmacy Technician

Career Advice on How to Become a Pharmacy Technician.

Pharmaceutical Careers, General Pharmacy Technician Career Information.

Here is an interesting one for anyone currently in the middle of a job search or planning for pharmaceutical careers. Starting a pharmacy technician career is much easier than becoming a pharmacist. Becoming a pharmacist is quite a long haul with many years in school… and you still have to work nights and weekends! What’s up with that? 
Pharmacy technician jobs can be found down a slightly easier road. However, the pharmacy technician career is often one that requires on the job training. Oh yes, you did indeed read that correctly. Pharmacy technician careers can involve training “on the job.” How comforting!
Pharmacy technicians are there to help pharmacists, who one hopes are really, really paying attention in their pharmaceutical career, filling the orders of patients waiting to get their drugs. Some of these patients are really sick, with real medical conditions and not just looking for longer eyelashes or the like. Yes, there really is a drug for longer eyelashes. For those patients with real and potentially life threatening medical conditions, the individual working a pharmacy technician career, earns about $12 per hour, and is on hand to help the pharmacist make sure nothing goes wrong. Do you feel better? Of course you do.

Pharmacy Technician Careers, Career Facts:

Anyone can be a pharmacy technician, with a few exceptions. Oddly, one cannot be a convicted felon, at least not in the last five years. This fact is worth repeating. One cannot work in a pharmacy technician job if he or she has been convicted of a crime in the last five years. However, six years ago is just fine.

Pharmacy technicians are required to learn drug names, which is clearly helpful. Many people planning a pharmaceutical career to become pharmacy technicians do take classes in the field. Certification does exist, but it is voluntary. Yes, the certification is voluntary, because why would there be any reason to make sure that pharmacy technicians know what they are doing in their pharmaceutical career? Who says the wild American spirit has been broken? Not by a long shot!


Pharmaceutical Career Opportunities and Pharmacy Technician Job Outlook-Excellent:

The current rate of growth for the exciting world of low-paid pharmacy technician careers is thirty-two percent. So with this pharmaceutical career, your job search may be very easy. This very healthy rate of growth for pharmacy technician jobs is no doubt at least somewhat due to the ever-decreasing health of America’s citizens. Additionally, we have an increased reliance on prescription medications for such serious problems as short eyelashes. Pharmaceutical careers will always be available.
Job Outlook is Excellent

A Day in The Life, Pharmacy Technician Jobs:

The day for many people working pharmaceutical careers, as pharmacy technicians, begins by whipping their car into a parking spot at their local mega-box chain or grocery store. After nearly missing the “shopping cart guy”, who is not full-time and does not have health care, the pharmacy technician drinks three sodas and begins a day of wearing a white lab coat like a doctor. Throughout the day they are mistaken for pharmacists, which is “pretty cool.”

Jobs for Pharmacy Technicians, Average Salary:

The average salary is $12 per hour for pharmacy technician jobs. 

$22k – $25k


Pharmacy Technician Careers, Training and Qualifications:

Training is mostly on the job. After all, the job of pharmacy technician is pretty simple.  One is only assisting a pharmacist with, potentially, thousands of drugs.